Student Leadership

At Kinross PS, we provide our students with range of opportunities to develop their leadership skills. From a young age, we promote various roles and responsibilities both within the class and wider school community. While the focus for kindergarten and pre-primary is sharing and working collaboratively within the classroom, students from Year 1 onwards have the opportunity to participate in clubs and programs.


Resource Rescuers

From Year 1 onwards, two representatives from each class are selected to be Resource Rescuers. They work with our Year 6 Sustainability Leaders (2) to promote the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle message within the school. Mrs Davies meets with the students once a week to plant and maintain our vegetable garden, collect recyclables for competitions and to hand out Waste Free Wednesday vouchers. The student representatives change each term so by the end of the year, 8 students per class have had an opportunity.


Peer Mediators


Students in Year 6 are encouraged to nominate for the Peer Mediator program. Peer Mediators are placed on rosters to model and maintain our school values at break-times. Students are trained by a Year 6 teacher in conflict resolution and help keep students safe, happy and entertained. Using this approach allows our students to develop inter-personal skills and helps to reinforce our school CARE values, whilst also supporting our Zones of Regulation Program. 


Faction Captains and Vice Captains


At the start of each year, Year 6 students self-nominate and present to their peers, reasons why they believe they would be an effective Faction Captain. Students are selected by Mrs Kaminski based on their application, performance and attitude towards Phys. Ed. These students assist with setting up equipment, participating in Jogging Club and Fitness Fridays and promoting a healthy lifestyle within the school.


Student Councillors


At the end of Year 5, interested students self-nominate for a position on the Student Council Team. A total of 12 student councillors are elected based on their applications. The Head Boy and Head Girl remain for the whole year, and at the end of Semester One, a new team of 8 join. The councillors are led by the upper-primary deputy and receive some leadership training. Student Councillor duties include locking the gates and bike racks; maintaining flag protocols, making announcements, setting up and taking down play equipment and representing our school at a range of important events. 


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